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Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest,                 that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.  Luke 10:2

Walker Valley Community Church is proudly involved with missions in Hati and other countries across the globe.


And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:15


Haiti Missions

Arms of Hope - Mirebalais, Haiti 

Arms of Hope is a place for orphans and abandoned children in Mirebalais, Hati

We seek to provide a Christ-centered caring enviroment, showing the love of Jesus to those who have so rarely seen it.

While the reasons they are left alone vary widely - the need is the same. They need someone to feed, clothe, and provide a bed; but more importantly someone to love them and sharre the love of God.

Children's Home

For nearly 30 years, Arms of Hope has taken in children off the streets and poor houses of Haiti, and cared for them. You will not find a better staff, nor more serious about the work we do. Arms of Hope was founded in 1985, and that year helped care for 5 children. Since then the home has cared for an average of 20-25 children at any given time.

In addition to the Children’s Home, Arms of Hope also has four other important outreaches:


Nutrition Program

Our nutrition program is designed to help pull children with acute nutrition to a safe nutrition level. This important program literally helps keep kids from starving. These aren’t always orphans: many times their parents just can’t provide enough food to keep them full and healthy.


Widow's Minsitry

In the United States, a widow has many options: in Haiti, a widow is much more likely to go hungry. Arms of Hope sponsors a food program that provides basic essentials like beans and rice to widows who would often otherwise go hungry. 


Haitian Churches

Arms of Hope helps supports eighteen churches throughout Haiti, sharing the love of God with a nation that truly needs a Savior.

We have churches located in Mirebalais, Trianon, Saut d’eau, Madame Cyr, Cabaille,Bellevue, Boucan Carre, Vincent, Nivard, Losse, Marrouge, La plaine, Jacmel, Delmas, Thomassique, Atelko, Bukbanik, and Savane Moulate.



Our school in Sus Bla provides a bright future for over 100 students.



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